Smart Metering
Smart usage data monitoring
What is Smart Metering in the water industry?
Smart Metering is a new way of managing water resources and a technological breakthrough that provides information to greatly improve the IWS (Integrated Water Service) management system while respecting the environment.
In the water industry, the lack of a specific network protocol regulation for smart metering has led to the development of different application solutions that use Fixed Network and/or Walk-By/Drive-By reading systems. Fixed Network data collection is provided by long-short range radio-frequency network infrastructures and Walk-By/Drive-By detection is carried out by operators who collect data at a range of 200-300 metres, by driving (Drive-By) or walking (Walk-By) along logical routes based on the geographical coordinates of the meters.
Communication protocols and technologies
LoRaWAN System Architecture

LoRa technology is suitable for all fixed network smart metering system scenarios and has been approved in Europe to operate in the 868 MHz band (867-869 MHz). LoRaWAN is a free protocol and it uses two-level security: network and application security. LoRaWAN certified devices can be distributed across multiple networks and move from one network to another, regardless of the network infrastructure or operator.
NB-IoT System Architecture

NB-IoT is the emerging technology developed to meet the requirements of M2M applications. The new NB-IoT standard has only recently begun to appear on the market. Release 13 of 3GPP establishes the technical specifications for the NB-IoT standard, suitable for massive IoT applications, such as smart metering or connected cars. NB-IoT is based on a cellular network architecture and uses the existing LTE infrastructure. The solution does not require concentrators.
Trash-By System Architecture

GEST has developed an automatic data collection hardware and software solution that uses the efficiency of the operator’s vehicles to collect the frames transmitted by the smart meters when the company car passes close by, at approximately 200 metres, without having to have physical access to the meter. This system is most suited to integration with the door-to-door waste service. Using the route taken periodically by waste collectors, the system gives a very similar performance to the results achieved by a fixed network, providing data availability at much lower costs than the cost of implementing a network infrastructure.
Wireless M-Bus System Architecture

Wireless MBUS (W-MBUS) is a European standard protocol developed for metering applications. The technology can be used in all smart metering system operating scenarios. WM-Bus is the reference standard for the use of the 169 MHz band in gas smart metering, but the same protocol is also used in the water sector in the 868 MHz frequency for collecting data transmitted by water Smart Meters. Solutions based on this technology involve the use of Walk-By/Drive-By detection modes as well as fixed network.
GEST System Architecture

The availability of different communication protocols suited to the diversified needs of water utilities based on the morphology of the territory is the distinctive element which, if managed by a single integration system, can guarantee coverage of 100% of the smart meters installed, and ensure the greater efficiency of the water service for the environment and the recovery of water. GEST has geared the development and design of its software solutions to ensure that they can be used regardless of the data transmission technology, communication protocol or network system used.
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GEST s.r.l.
Viale Cristoforo Colombo, 13/C
95037 San Giovanni La Punta (CT)
Phone number: +39 095 221654
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